Twin Soul Energy Report.. 5.5 portal…The most intense energetic portal the earth has ever known

Cosmic Gypsy


Dearest beloveds,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with a very important update which is largely being influenced the the planets current alignment in the constellation of taurus that is also known as the pleiades or the Seven Sisters.
Dear ones we are entering a timeline now of profound alignment with the 5th dimensional Christ consciousness diamond light grid, that is currently interfacing within this current dimensional reality. Please know that the more and more individuals who individually experience that which is known as the “inner event” the faster the collective consciousness aligns with the huge Collective tsunami of cosmic light particles, or that which is known as the “outward event”
Beloveds please know that “The Event” is an inner and outer phenomena and it is this which marks it stupendous. Mother Earth stands now with the attention of the entire Galaxy and universe and beyond, who have come forward to bare witness to this spectacular metamorphosis that Gaia is going through.
The energies are now building towards beltane on the 1st of May and the 5:5 portal date. Please know that these particular portal dates will be more powerful than anything anybody on this earth has ever ever known. On the 5:5 portal date, we are gathering in the transmission group to hold space to facilitate the complete anchoring of the 5th dimensional fairy tale original blueprint template which holds the vibrations of lemuria,and we will be fully activating the age reversal technology that was available at the time of Lemuria through access to the pleiadian pink crystal chambers.
So much ancient knowledge and memories are coming back at this time, as many of us are remembering (particularly those of us who are vibrationally drawn to these words) that we in fact had incarnations at the time of lemuria. And so therefore we are fully aligning with the remembrance that we are successfully star seeded to fully complete this mission. Entrance into these transmissions is on an energetic exchange however no one is ever turned away… Please see below for full details on how to join the 5:5 fairytale portal transmission.
The anchoring of this fifth dimensional template heralds the opening of the golden Gates that have been guarded over by the White Dragons who represent earth’s 5th dimensional kundalini energy……And this opening for many of you heralds a time whereby Mother Father God has a grand plan to bring you and your identical vibrational counterpart into the same vicinity as each other, that the recognition and reunion phase aspect of your timeline can fully ground and anchor.
Beloved lightworker starseeds please know that vibrationally you have done the work that is necessary to Usher in the next Wave of twin soul Unions that are aligning in the Gateway of beltane/samhain and the 5:5 portal.
Please know that the physical unification of the genuine twin Souls is the precise frequency that is required to transmit to galactic central that earth is truly ready to align with the outward event phenomena also known as the solar flash.
Dearest ones, there are so many wondrous occurrences taking place now in and around your Skies, there are a huge number of ships which have come forth to assist humanity at this precipice of evolution. Please be assured that the starships that surround the earth are benevolent and are sending great great love to humanity at this time.
Gaia is on the verge of experiencing a profound spectacle of energetic and atmospheric anomalies that will transform human life as we up to this point have known it. Once this great cosmic galactic universal event takes place this will Herald the beginning of no time and all time simultaneously, as humanity is now being profoundly supported to activate its own metamorphosis from being a third dimensional identified caterpillar to a self realised 5th dimensional butterfly.
It is time now beloveds for you to maintain your priority of resting as awareness for short moments as the waves are about to intensify to a level that is truly truly unprecedented. We ask you to prioritise pulling out of your tool bag the spiritual practices that enable you to feel and experience the Silence of your true Nature.
Many many twin Souls are coming into physical Union in this highly highly auspicious beltane and 5:5 gateway dear ones, and this is are extremely fortuitous 4 gaia’s Ascension trajectory. As usual we are not at Liberty to give the exact date of this cosmic external event, as it’s full impact lies in the surprise element.
Please know that you are extremely fortunate Souls, you have chosen to incarnate on a planet at a time of such great supernatural phenomena, you are truly blessed beyond your wildest imaginings, and as these intense Ascension waves engulf gaia, please remember to walk barefoot on the Earth regularly and keep yourself excessively hydrated. keep your environment free of all toxins and stabilise yourself now in 5th dimensional consciousness through commiting to focussing regularly on all that you are truly grateful for in your life.
Please know that your stabilisation is absolutely crucial and transmits to the huge ascension wave which we have lovingly named Divine Grace, That the earth plane is ready to receive her full glory…
Divine Grace is now rapidly making her way to humanities atmospheric shores, for this we can be assured…….dearest ones please remember the only auspicious destination you can ever arrive at is the destination of now, which in fact is 5th dimensional consciousness.
As ever it is our deepest honour to gather with you in this highly sacred manner, we are overjoyed to be gathering with so many of you on the 5.5 transmission, please see below for full details to join..
Matahari-ji, and the white wolf tribe



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